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Showing 1-20 of 725 results
  1. Textbook

    Social Engineering und Human Hacking Strategien zur Prävention und Abwehr von Manipulationstechniken in der IT

    Entdecken Sie die psychologischen Tricks und Techniken, mit denen Human Hacker Ihre persönlichen Gefühle, Eigenschaften und digitale Verhaltensmuster...

    Erfan Koza, Asiye Öztürk, Michael Willer
  2. Book

    A Comprehensive Project Management Guide Quality Management, Integrated Six-Sigma and Change Management Compilation

    This book chiefly focuses on the IPMA® competence baseline (ICB) version 3.0, closely intertwined with project management standards like the PMBOK...

  3. Book
    Full access

    Harvest Loss in China Rice, Mechanization, and the Moral Hazard of Outsourcing

    This open access book examines food security in China with a specific focus on rice harvesting. As the most populous agricultural developing country,...

    Xue Qu, Daizo Kojima, ... Mitsuyoshi Ando in The University of Tokyo Studies on Asia
  4. Book

    Principles of AI Governance and Model Risk Management Master the Techniques for Ethical and Transparent AI Systems

    Navigate the complex landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance and model risk management using a holistic approach encompassing people,...

    James Sayles
  5. Book

    Handbook of Insurance Volume I

    The Handbook of Insurance reviews the last fifty years of research developments in insurance economics and its related fields. A single reference...

    Georges Dionne
  6. Book

    Datensicherung als Teil der IT- und Cybersecurity Technische, menschliche und betrügerische Risiken erkennen und mit umfassenden Backup- und IT-Sicherheitsstrategien minimieren

    Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die Welt der Datensicherung und führt durch die essenziellen Bereiche – von Bedrohungen bis hin zu...
    Patrick Müller, Vanessa Chamera, Martin Bodenstein
  7. Book

    Corporate Governance and Sustainability Navigating Malaysia's Business Landscape

    This book presents a comprehensive exploration of contemporary issues in corporate governance and sustainability within the Malaysian context....

    Norazlan Alias, Mohd Hasimi Yaacob
  8. Book

    Compliance in der Forschung Praxisnahes Grundwissen von der Risikoanalyse über effektive Präventionsmaßnahmen zu einem wirksamen System

    Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick, wie für Wissenschaftler:innen und Firmen bzw. Organisationen im Forschungsbereich der Einsatz von...

    Ingrid Wiedemann, Patrick Pobuda
  9. Conference proceedings

    In Search of Creative Commons: Crisis, Catastrophe, and Responsive Literature in India Proceedings of the ICSSR Funded International Conference 2023

    This book contains selected papers presented at the international conference titled 'In Search of Creative Commons: Crisis, Catastrophe, and...

    Dhritiman Chakraborty, Sanchayita Paul Chakraborty, Mukunda Mishra
  10. Book

    Rethinking Enterprise Risk Management

    This book provides a critical analysis of existing enterprise risk management models and practices and proposes innovative solutions to address the...

  11. Book

    Economics of Disasters and Climate Change Risk and Uncertainties

    This book discusses the theory, method, and practice of risk economics and also examines climate change and disaster's theoretical and practical...

    S. Mohammed Irshad in Sustainable Development Goals Series
  12. Book

    Liquidity Dynamics and Risk Modeling Navigating Trading and Investment Portfolios Frontiers with Machine Learning Algorithms

    This book presents a high-quality contribution to the applications of modern financial algorithms for liquidity risk management and its practical...

    Mazin A. M. Al Janabi
  13. Book

    Leitfaden zum Krisenmanagement ISO 22361

    Wie Sie ein Krisenmanagement nach der neuen DIN ISO 22361 zielgerichtet planen, aufbauen, einführen, betreiben, prüfen und weiterentwickeln können,...

    RMA Risk Management & Rating Association e.V. in Risikomanagement-Schriftenreihe der RMA
  14. Book

    Nachhaltigkeit – Resilienz – Cybersicherheit Jahrbuch Risikomanagement 2023/24

    In einer von massiven Unsicherheiten und hoher Veränderungsdynamik geprägten Marktumgebung verlangen risikobasierte Entscheidungen verantwortlichen...

    RMA Risk Management & Rating Association e.V. in Risikomanagement-Schriftenreihe der RMA
  15. Book

    Introduction of IReF The Development of an Integrated System for Achieving Harmonised Supervisory Reporting in the European Union

    The Integrated Reporting Framework (IReF) is a significant step towards establishing a streamlined and harmonised supervisory reporting system in the...

    Daniel Dorrer in BestMasters
  16. Textbook

    An Introduction to Behavioral Finance and Asset Management A Guide for Students and Professionals in Wealth Management

    This book introduces readers to behavioral finance applied to wealth management. It explains essential behavioral biases and their damaging...

    Yannick Coulon
  17. Book

    Projektcontrolling Leitfaden für die betriebliche Praxis

    Megatrends wie die Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und neue Arbeitswelt (Agilität und New Work) sowie volatile Märkte, vernetzte...

    Kai Nobach, Bernd Zirkler, Jonathan Hofmann
  18. Textbook

    Corporate Risk Management A Case Study on Risk Evaluation

    In times of crisis, risk management is more important than ever. In addition, companies are obliged to identify, quantify and aggregate risks as part...

    Dietmar Ernst, Joachim Häcker in Springer Texts in Business and Economics
  19. Conference proceedings

    Financial Markets and Corporate Finance 5th International Conference on FMCF (ICFMCF2023), IIT Delhi, India, July 6-8

    This book presents a selection of the best papers from the 5th International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF2023), held...

    Shveta Singh, Sonali Jain in Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics
  20. Book

    Product Recall Management Preparation, Execution and Recovery

    Product recalls affect thousands of products globally each year, impacting millions of customers and causing severe consequences for companies. For...

    Sascha Raithel, Setareh Heidari, Jan von Schlieben-Troschke in Science meets Practice
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